PCCS offers a rigorous core curriculum undertaken at a reasonable but challenging pace. Faculty and Administration partner to carefully evaluate curricula options for each grade, including a focus on "research-based curricula" (also known as "evidence-based curricula") and scope and sequence for sequential core classes rather than personal curricula preference of individual teachers.
PCCS emphasizes proficiency in mathematics. The Elementary Math Program is unique in offering two periods of math each school day. Elementary math courses combine direct instruction, interactive group activities, manipulatives to kinesthetically understand concepts, traditional assignments, and reinforcing online drills. Primer - 10th grades utilize Big Ideas Mathematics, an empirically research-based mathematics program that offers both textbook-based and digital support to ensure students build a strong math foundation in anticipation of ACT/SAT/TSI entrance exams. Pre-Primers learn math skills with hands on activities and the Frogstreet curriculum. 11th and 12th graders have two track options for math: Dual Credit College Mathematics (e.g., College Pre-Cal, College Algebra, College Statistics, College Calculus) or TEA-approved Junior and Senior Mathematics (e.g., Pre-Calculus, Financial Mathematics, TSA-Prep Math). See the Academics tab showing most PCCS high schoolers are working at acollege level. Math studies are supported by digital resources/online educational enhancements: Big Ideas digital platform as well as XTRA Math, Math Lab for dual credits, and research-based ALEKS Math for 6th-12th. These continue in the summer.
Research demonstrates that many secular history and science textbooks have been altered over time and contain bias or simply do not comport with Christian principles. PCCS is committed to offering a Christian curricula for these critical subjects. Elementary classes learn science utilizing ACSI's Purposeful Design and history/social studies with BJPress Heritage Studies. Middle and High School students enjoy learning history through the Christian curriculum offered by BJ Press Heritage Studies (7th-11th grades). The 12th graders in the U.S. Government project-based course engage in debates, presentations, mock trial, while reinforcing foundational concepts of citizenship and democracy. Curriculum utilized includes ABEKA U.S. Government supplemented with critical analysis offered in If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty by Eric Metaxas, Street Law mock trial curriculum, and the classic jury drama, 12 Angry Men for 12th graders. Dual Credit 1301 and 1302 American History are options for 11th and 12th graders. Upper science courses introduce science from a Christian perspective through the challenging Apologia text series along with the Veterinary Science project-based curriculum.
PCCS differs from many educational programs in its continuing emphasis on developing writing skills from 2nd grade through 12th grades. Second graders practice writing utilizing the Super Kids Program. 3rd-9th graders learn to become stronger writers, including essays, critical writing, persuasive writing, and research papers, utilizing the Empowering Writers curricula supplemented with grammar studies (e.g., ACSI Purposeful Design).10th graders take a Research & Writing course (College Paper Buddy: The Quick Friendly Guide to Writing Quality Research Papers by Anna S. Kendall, Purdue OWL MLA) to prepare them for MLA format scholarly papers required for the Dual Credit 1301 college composition course on the 11th grade schedule. ​Additional opportunities to mature writing skills are offered in the middle and high school literature courses which integrate essay writing and critical thinking skills. Each 11th and 12th grade Dual Credit English student must complete a scholarly research paper each semester as a college credit requirement. In addition, 12th graders, in order to graduate, must also prepare and present a Senior Capstone to the school's leadership team in May.
Christian Character-Building/CONNECT
To align with the school's core values and mission, teachers are Christ-followers, course instruction integrates faith and learning, and Christian Character Building Bible and Connect courses are daily requirements.These classes focus on fostering a foundation in the Word of God utilizing the Bible and the ACSI Purposeful Design Bible curriculum. 7th - 12th Bible/Connect classes build upon what they have learned as young people and review the Bible from Genesis forward with application in discussion groups each week. CCB Electives include a variety of Biblically-based courses using a multidenominational curriculum such as A Girl’s Guide to Discovering her Bible/A Girl’s Guide to Making Really Good Choices; A Boy’s Guide to Discovering her Bible/A Boy’s Guide to Making Really Good Choices, A Young Woman after God’s Own Heart; A Young Man after God’s Own Heart, God’s Priorities for your Life, Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free; Checkpoints: A Tactical Guide to Manhood, Growing All the Wiser Wisdom Tips from the Book of Proverbs, Discover your Destiny: Making Right Choices in a World; Staying Christian in College. PCCS seeks to reinforce and develop what students are learning about God and walking in faith at home and their church and youth groups.​​​
The PCCS English Department identified its goal as "teaching students to reason, think, compare, and evaluate literature from the author's perspective and through a Christian lens." The classic literature curricula offered by archival Prentice Hall texts (to avoid modern secular influences found in new editions) in addition to supplemental classic novels form the instructional focus for our college-bound upper school students in English.
Middle School Novel Studies:
6th Grade: The Secret Garden (review from summer reading), Bud Not Buddy, Number the Stars, I Am Matala, The Giver, Poetry, Plays
7th Grade: Old Yeller, A Christmas Carol, Gifted Hands: Ben Carson, Roll of Thunder: Hear My Cry
8th Grade: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Hiding Place, Dickens' Great Expectations, God’s Smuggler
High School Novel Studies:
9th Grade: To Kill a Mockingbird (review from summer reading), Short Stories unit, Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, The Miracle Worker, The Pearl
10th Grade: The Hound of the Baskervilles (review from summer reading), Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, Poetry unit
11th Grade Dual Credit: 1302/Literature – Norton Intro to Literature, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (coordinates with US History course), The Red Badge of Courage, Animal Farm
12th Grade Dual Credit: 1301 Dual Credit: Pride & Prejudice
English/Language Arts/Reading instruction for for Primer (age 5) through 2nd grades is guided by the research-based curriculum, Super Kids , which integrates reading, phonics, grammar, spelling and writing instruction and offers supplemental assessments and practice through Super Kids Online. The Christian curriculum, ACSI Purposeful Design, introduces a rigorous and comprehensive reading/literature, spelling, and grammar program to our elementary students. These textbooks offer cross-curriculum studies which further reinforce concepts learned.
Elementary vocabulary studies are integrated in the Elementary ELAR curriculum. To promote and develop college-bound vocabulary and prepare for college entrance exams, students in 6th-11th grades engage with Membean, a research-based online digital platform and educational enhancement throughout the school term and summer months.
Since its incorporation in 2002, PCCS recognized that handwriting instruction and practice meets several educational objectives and cognitive milestones through a Christian curriculum: A Reason For, a scripture-based program developed by Concerned Communications and integrated in the Superkids curriculum for Primer/1st grades. Focusing first on print instruction has been revealed to promote the connection between reading and writing for early-elementary students. Students are taught to read words in print and not cursive, so teaching print handwriting alongside print reading allows students to make connections between letter identification and formation (Ray et al., 2022). Additional research reveals early-elementary students benefit from a solid foundation in print before moving onto cursive. While adults "write how they wish," research studies show that learning cursive improves retention and comprehension, engages cognitive development when letters are joined in a continuous flow, and improves fine motor dexterity. At PCCS, printing and letter formation are taught until the middle of second grade when instruction transitions to cursive through 5th grade.
