Enrichment Electives
It's an exciting time when August and December roll around! That's when students in Primer - 12th select their Enrichment Electives. A hallmark of PCCS educational program is its Enrichment Electives Program. A preview Week-at-a-Glance is posted each semester. Similar to the college course selection process, students in Primer- 12th select 1st and 2nd choices for each electives period from a myriad list of courses offered which change semester to semester. While some like sports teams and student favorites re offered every semester, the program continues to develop and flouflourish from ideas submitted via student, teacher, and parent surveys.
The diversity and number of Enrichment Electives offered each semester is a a unique part of PCCS educational programming. Below are just some of the examples offered for more than 20 years in this extraordinary program.
Elementary Examples: All About Horses, Kindness Matters Outreach, Danger Rangers, Build A Book, Christian Character Trait of the Week, Skits & Stories, Theatre Troope (Cast & Crew, Elementary, Upper), Famous Heroes and Villains of the Bible, Collage-A-Week, All About NASA, Praise Songs, Spanish Fun, Lego Creations, Recorders, Girls for God, Boys After God's Own Heart, Fitness Fun, TechnoMe, Storytelling with Seniors, Beginning Dance, Home Ec: Chocolate, Cheer Squads (Minis, Juniors), Praise Team (Elem), Private Music Lessons (percussion, guitar, bass, voice, piano, keyboard), Sheep to Shawl, Pottery, Crafting, Volleyball (Co-Ed Elem) Christian Character-Building (Girls, Boys, Co-ed, offerings vary each semester), Basketball (Co-Ed Elem), Scientific Experiments, Animal Husbandry, Head to Toe: All About Me, Beginning Astronomy, Christian Soldiers Karate (2nd - 12th grades, white to black belt), TechnoToon, All About Weather, Show-N-Tell, Beginning Sewing, Newspaper, Math Games, Get Fit, Knitting, Tutoring, Keyboarding, Wood Crafting, Soccer Fun, Creation Station, and more!
Upper School Examples: Competition Art, Speech Team, Comparative Religion, Grab Your Tools, Honors Yearbook, Audio-Visual Production,Life Skills, Mission Outreach, Life Skills of Teens, Basketball (MS, JV, Varsity), Adulting 101, Theatre Troope (Cast & Crew), Calligraphy, Lessons from Parables for Today, Vocal Ensemble, Dave Ramsey's Money Management for Teens, Entrance Exam Prep, Graphic Design, Study Skills & Organization, Portuguese Culture and Language, Honors English (by author or genre), Volleyball (MS, JV, Varsity), Pen & Ink Drawing, Archery (Beginning and Team), Painting, Pottery, Camping & Outdoor Skills, Piñatas, Birding/Ornithology, Faith Yoga, Sheep to Shawl, Multi-Media Art, Honors Famous Supreme Court Cases, Golf Skills, Team), Mission Team, Rugmaking, Latino Cooking, For the Love of Chocolate, Digital Signage, South American Culture, Cardmaking, Dance Team, Crochet, Praise Team (MS, HS), Modern Marvels, Islam through a Christian Lens, LD Debate, Teen Roundtable, One-Act Play, Meteorology, Smoothies, Baseball and Softball Teams, Honors Creation Science, Photography, Appetizers & More, Microsoft Suite courses, Powerwalking, Watercolor, Prezi, Minecraft Teaming, TechnoCode, Newspaper, Sewing 101, Photo Journaling, Health I/II, Dual Credit Sociology, Cake Decorating, Cooking with Spices, Animoto Video, Beginning Speech, Questions Christians Ask/Apologetics, Self-Defense Basics, Dual Credit Psychology, Art Appreciation, Painting with a Twirl, Junk Drawer Robotics, Line Dancing, Red Cap Project, Basic Auto Repair, Astronomy, Honors Business Law, Drive Through History, Sweets & Treats, Accounting Basics, Multi-Media Art, Literary Circles, Paper Mache', Teen Talk, Honors Hillsdale Government Roundtable, Sculpture, Sign & Sidewalk Painting, Comparative Religion, Cross Country Track/Track & Field, Presentations, Trash to Treasure, Christian Soldiers Karate (2nd - 12th grades, white to black belt), NEW this year! Honors Aviation Ground School I/II, and more!